Monday, February 2, 2015

Life Lately: Pursuit of Creativity

Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art.    - Miguel Angel Ruiz

*Warning* - I apologize now for the long post you are about to read

I have always loved art. Even as a child I loved to do just about anything you can think of that would classify as art. Painting, photography, drawing, clay, the list could go on and on. As I got older I took many classes, especially in high school. I loved anything that would let me create. As I entered college reality, unfortunately, came as a priority. I had always wanted to be a teacher, even more than making art, for as long as I can remember. I have this vivid memory of acting out being a teacher and my grandmother was my student when she came up to watch me when my sister was born. My ideal situation was to be an art teacher, but with the job market already so difficult I decide to head toward elementary and special education. Not that I don’t love teaching, but I have really missed just making art. In the last few months I’ve really been devoted to following those creative pursuits in my free time, but somewhere deep down I have this voice that nags me about making art. I struggle with the doubt in believing that I can actually be an artist. I’ve always believed that an artist sees things differently and has this special gift to make others feel emotions through their art. I know I have some abilities, but I struggle with believing I am actually making something meaningful.

This brings me to my photography. Thanks to a coworker who shared this video on her Facebook feed, I’ve had a lot more confidence and motivation to continue my work. It may look like crap at first, but that’s just part of the journey. I think out of all the areas of art, the one that spoke most to me was photography. My dad was my biggest role model. He was (and still is) a fantastic amateur photographer. Most of my memories of him when I was a child involved him and his camera. It seemed like he always had it with him and boy do we have the boxes upon boxes of photographs and negatives to prove it. Now that I am older, I find it interesting how similar we are. Not only do we share the loves of photography, but my dad has been a teacher since before I was born.

Now that I have the time to start pursuing my interests again, I have never been so excited to learn something new again. So this Christmas, my amazing dad bought me my first DSLR camera. I have played with a variety of cameras in my life, but my favorite was an old film Nikon my dad let me borrow for my photography class. I love my new camera, but I have to admit it was intimidating to try and remember all my old lessons from taking photography in high school.

In the last month I’ve been slowly working on trying to remember how to change all the settings to achieve the pictures I want. My goal was to finally be able to take some great pictures using Manual. I am excited to say that, that day is here! I wanted to share some recent pictures I’ve been taking, and yes they are all me!


My journey is far from over and I will always be learning, but it feels good to be making some major accomplishments. I also wanted to use this post to show what we’ve been up to lately. As you can see from some of the outdoor photos, we’ve gotten a bunch of snow recently. I love being set back in a more wooded area, but man is our driveway a pain-in-the-neck to maintain. Thank goodness for my awesome guy and a working snow blower.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, this time of the year is crazy for me. I literally feel like I’m drowning in typing and paperwork. I think my keyboard may soon become a part of my fingers. I sometimes find it hard to blog, just because I don’t want to look at the computer screen anymore. I’ve been trying to make a conscious effort to get out and do something relaxing such as taking pictures and painting.

I do really love how beautiful the winter is, but my mind is definitely on spring and the coming warm weather. I am trying to start some basil plants from cuttings I took from large basil I grew this summer. It’s starting to go to seed and I’m ready for some more plants. Now that I’m officially done with grad school I will now have time to dive into my garden. I’m having a hard time containing my excitement for this spring. I have plans to expand my garden (much to Paul’s disdain) and I am going strictly organic this year. I just requested a catalog for seeds, I can’t wait to share what I’ll be ordering and starting the growing season.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

That Time of the Year

It's amazing how quickly I have had to slow down on my blogging lately, it really stinks. This year I had vowed to write more. I still have plenty of time left, it's just not a good time of the year to keep my posts as consistent as I'd like them to be. I have read many blogs over the years and it seems that just about every blogger, no matter their profession, has a time of the year that is just crazy for them. As a special education teacher, my time of the year is January through April-ish. It's what many special education professionals call "IEP Season."

IEP season consists of meetings, thinking, and lots and LOTS of writing. Me being the type-A personality that I am, I put so much pressure on myself to write the perfect IEP. In my head I am always thinking how important this document is and the gravity of the situation that I am one of the main people deciding what my student will be spending a whole year working on. Honestly it gives me a lot of anxiety. I also have double the students that my colleagues have, so I don't feel like I able to put as much time in as I like.

To be completely clear I love my job and I love my students, but with so much going on right now I may need to take a step back from posting as frequently as I would like. I do have some exciting things coming up that I cannot wait to share. I'll make sure I'll keep you all updated as soon as the paperwork and stress levels start going down.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Hello 2015 : 101 in 1001

For those of you who know me really well, you know that I am a compulsive planner. Whether it’s a grocery list or to-do list, I love making them. I always worry about forgetting things so making a list makes me feel like I have some control over my life. I literally find slips pf paper from old lists everywhere.

As you may remember, Paul and I have been working on changing a lot of things in our lives starting this year, so I’ve been thinking about a lot of things that I hope to accomplish over time. I had heard about the Day Zero Project before so I started investigating it on the internet. I couldn’t believe how many people are participating in the project. If you are interested you can read more about it here. Anyway I became very interested in starting my own list.

The idea behind the Day Zero Project is to create a list of 101 things you want to accomplish in 1001 days (approximately 2.7 years). During my research, I’ve explored so many blogs and tried to get an idea of what people are trying to accomplish. I definitely had some set goals going into the project, but reading other people’s goals made me really sit down and want to work towards some really cool things in my life. The Day Zero Project has some ideas to explore on it too, so check it out. When you make your own account they provide a countdown calculator to figure out the beginning and end date for your list. I will officially be starting mine tomorrow, January 5, 2015, which puts my end date as October 2, 2017.

I’ve listed below my final list. It took quite a bit of time to put it together, but I am so excited about getting to work and accomplishing these goals! I hope I’m not over my head. Hopefully by sharing my list with you all I will not only, possibly, inspire some of you to make your own lists, but also keep track of what I accomplish and get me motivated. Happy New Year everyone! 

1. Spend one night a week with no technology distractions for a year (make this permanent)
2. Travel somewhere we have never been
3. Announce a pregnancy!
4. Spend nothing for 2 weeks (I’d like to try this a couple times)
5. Take portraits of Paul and me for our anniversary
6. Plan 10 surprise date nights
7. Finish our life simplification project
8. Create an amazing collection of children’s books for our future babies
9. Have a Paul and Amanda’s Day of Fun
10. Make 10 homemade items for a nursery/baby
11. Make a time capsule and bury it
12. Go on an impulse weekend trip

Home & Garden
13. Make a really great vegetable garden (expand and make it more usable)
14. Grow all my vegetables organically
15. Re-do the guest bedroom
16. Buy/Get a freezer
17. Make 5 pieces of art for our home
18. Finally landscape the front flower garden
19. Re-purpose a piece of furniture for the house
20. Sew a set of place-mats for our table
21. Plant 3 new vegetables I’ve never grown
22. Create a space for my art/sewing area
23. Buy something for the house from Ikea
24. Build something for the house

25. Do a photography project *more on that later
26. Participate in a shared art project (looking for volunteers!)
27. Make a second quilt
28. Sew a piece of clothing I can wear
29. Make my own set of birthday and thank you cards
30. Organize and clean out my creative supplies
31. Photograph a wedding or a baby session
32. Dye my own fabric
33. Take photos of the same thing every month for a year then turn it into a calendar
34. Buy a quality set of paintbrushes and take really good care of them
35. Write a poem
36. Make a mobile
37. Participate in the Instagram Weekend Hashtag Project for a month

Get Healthy
38. Figure out how to eat organically on a budget
39. Do yoga every day for 30 days
40. Find the perfect running shoes for my flat feet
41. Move towards meatless Mondays for at least a year
42. Cut out soda from my diet for a year
43. Try a new class at the gym
44. Run 12 miles a week for a month
45. Create 4 perfected healthy go-to smoothie recipes
46. Drink 64 oz of water a day for a month (hopefully continue)
47. Get to my target weight before I get pregnant

In the Kitchen
48. Try 20 new recipes I have never made
49. Make our own wine
50. Put together a cookbook of our favorite family recipes and new family recipes
51. Make a meal that came entirely from our garden
52. Make my own homemade pasta
53. Make my own ice cream
54. Make my own ravioli
55. Take a cooking class with Paul
56. Make my own homemade marinara sauce
57. Learn to make my own baby food
58. Go berry picking and make my own jam
59. Try 3 new fruits and 3 new vegetables I’ve never had before
60. Join a CSA

Free Time
61. Watch 10 movies from AFI’s top 100 that I have never seen
62. Read 5 books off my “Read When I’m Done with Grad School” list
63. Visit the Albright-Knox with Paul
64. Spend an entire weekend reading
65. Read 5 classic novels
66. Read 3 poetry books
67. Read a book out of my comfort zone
68. Host a dinner party
69. Eat out only once a month
70. Go to lunch/dinner and see a movie by myself
71. Visit the Chimney Bluffs
72. Visit a four star restaurant

73. Get my 2nd tattoo
74. Pick 2 random days and “treat myself”
75. Take a class in something, anything
76. Develop a good cleaning routine and stick to it
77. Put $10 in our savings account for each completed 101 item
78. Visit a state I have never been to
79. Simplify my closet/wardrobe
80. Answer the “50 Questions that will Free Your Mind”
81. Try 3 new wines with Paul
82. Master a difficult yoga move
83. Enter a contest
84. Be in bed by 10:30pm every night for one week

Career and Blog
85. Make up business cards
86. Blog twice a week for a month
87. Introduce more art projects into my lesson plans
88. Hold an art show for my students
89. Start a new and original blog series
90. Watch 5 different TED Talks and post about each one for my blog
91. Organize all the lesson plans
92. Finally organize and get a good system for Outlook at work
93. Attend an education workshop

For Others
94. Volunteer for a local charitable organization
95. Complete 10 random acts of kindness with Paul
96. Give away something I’ve made
97. Pick a random item(s) off the Rochester Community Wish list to donate
98. Make a meal/bake for someone once a week for a month
99. Go to the bookstore and leave random inspirational notes in different books
100. Surprise 5 friends with random homemade gifts
101. Plant something on Earth Day