Sunday, January 25, 2015

That Time of the Year

It's amazing how quickly I have had to slow down on my blogging lately, it really stinks. This year I had vowed to write more. I still have plenty of time left, it's just not a good time of the year to keep my posts as consistent as I'd like them to be. I have read many blogs over the years and it seems that just about every blogger, no matter their profession, has a time of the year that is just crazy for them. As a special education teacher, my time of the year is January through April-ish. It's what many special education professionals call "IEP Season."

IEP season consists of meetings, thinking, and lots and LOTS of writing. Me being the type-A personality that I am, I put so much pressure on myself to write the perfect IEP. In my head I am always thinking how important this document is and the gravity of the situation that I am one of the main people deciding what my student will be spending a whole year working on. Honestly it gives me a lot of anxiety. I also have double the students that my colleagues have, so I don't feel like I able to put as much time in as I like.

To be completely clear I love my job and I love my students, but with so much going on right now I may need to take a step back from posting as frequently as I would like. I do have some exciting things coming up that I cannot wait to share. I'll make sure I'll keep you all updated as soon as the paperwork and stress levels start going down.

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